There are several reasons for you to seek new citizenship; perhaps you are looking to secure your family’s future against potential economic or political circumstances, enhance your mobility and travel access or simply expand your global business reach. Citizenship-by-Investment programs allow you the opportunity to gain new citizenship quickly and simply, without disrupting your daily life.
Legacy Line and our highly qualified team of specialists can expertly assist you in selecting and acquiring an alternative citizenship or residency.
With an in-depth understanding of the various key factors and intricacies that go into a successful application, we will advise you on every single detail you need to know in order to effectively present your profile to the government of your selected country.
Wondering how Legacy Line can help you make life easier with a new citizenship? Read a few of our case studies to find out more.
Mazen* lives with his family in Beirut and has been working in his family business for over a decade. While the overall political situation has been calm for some time now, Mazen worries about the future and would be more comfortable if he knew that his family had a “Plan B” to fall back on in case the region falls back into turmoil. Legacy Line helped Mazen secure an EU Residency in 2 months, without the need to travel or be physically residing in Europe.
Samir* is a Syrian citizen living in Saudi Arabia with his family. After the war broke out in Syria, it became increasingly difficult for Samir to travel for business and even opening bank accounts or transferring funds proved to be obstacles. In his worry for his family’s future, Samir approached Legacy Line for a solution. The firm helped him secure a Caribbean citizenship and passport within 4 months, without having to travel to the Caribbean.
*All names have been changed for confidentiality.